Christian Portmann

Copyright: Marc Gilgen, Basel, Switzerland
Christian Portmann is a Swiss drummer and percussionist. He starts playing percussion instruments since he was 8 years old. He integrates the percussion instruments and sounds in a rhythmic and groovy way into the song-concept. What a song needs is always in his focus.
A modern pop-percussionist needs a versatile music spectrum. He is playing in different bands, large orchestra projects, wind orchestras, or different independent jobs. In that way, Christian is often booked for various projects. For example, since 2012 Christian Portmann is a percussionist in the current SEAT Music Session Band - a project of Swiss Entertainer and Musician Phil Dankner. Various stars from the national and international music scene come together on a 360-degree stage. The tour is playing in different swiss cities every year.
In all projects, concerts, shows, and tours – Christian has one thought that is important to him: It’s always the heart and not only the brain that guides the hand and the drumstick!
Country: Switzerland
Band: SEAT Music Session Band