José J. Cortijo

Copyright: Meinl Percussion
Born in Barcelona, Spain, José J. Cortijo is working as a musician and teacher since 1983 in Germany. His musical receptiveness is reflected in numerous performances, among others with Nina Corti, Chris Thompson, Al Jarreau, Thomas Anders, Jon Lord, Uwe Ochsenknecht, The Supremes, Farfarello, Peter Kraus, Conexión Latina, NDR-Big-Band, as well as TV, radio, and recordings for BR3, NDR, HR, PRO 7 and his participation in various musicals.
As the only professor of Latin percussion in Germany, he teaches at the University of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim and is a frequent lecturer at numerous workshops and seminars. He is also the author of the books „Latin Timbales for percussionists and drummers“ (LEU-Verlag, 2002) and „Kleinpercussion Spielen“ (LEU-Verlag 2005 ) and of the video „Congas I“. Since 1994 he writes a series of workshops for the magazine "Drums & Percussion". He also authored the Latin percussion plugin for the notation program Finale and authored the Finale addon "scoreGroove" and is the artistic director of the „World Percussion Academy“ and the „Cajon Academy“.
Country: Germany
Band: Cortijo & Küsters #percussionways