Patrycja Betley

Copyright: Bartek Czerniachowski @szopix
A charismatic multipercussionist with over 25 years of musical experience. A music traveler and by education, music educator and author of many music projects. She gained virtuosity in playing percussion instruments from all over the world through independent study, numerous journeys and extensive experience in cooperation with leading musicians of the Polish scene. She is a permanent member of the Betley / Miró duo, Karolina Cicha & Spółka and Kayah & Transoriental Orchestra, as a soloist with Leszek Możdżer and the MACV Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra, she has also collaborated with Marek Moś, the NOSPR Orchestra, Maria Pomianowska, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Tadeusz Woźniak and many others.
Country: Poland