Candela percussion cymbals
percussion cymbalS
Thinner and more lightweight than traditional B20 bronze cymbals, Meinl Candela percussion cymbals are perfect for adding fast colors of sound in a percussion rig. Easily activated with any stick or even your hand, Candela cymbals also offer a fantastic low-volume option for cajon players who are looking to add light cymbal playing to their sound.
B20 Bronze
Candela cymbals are made in Turkey (except the Candela Jingle Bell, which is made in Germany) from cast B20 bronze and are hand hammered into shape. The splash and crashes feature a reflective, brilliant finish for a quick flash of sound, while the mini hihats have a traditional finish for a drier “chick” effect that doesn’t overpower.
These cymbals are at home in percussion settings because of their fast response with straight-ahead sustain that isn’t clouded in complex tones.
They are ideal for spicing up timbale grooves and for punctuating patterns or fills in a multi-percussion setting.
Jingle Bell
Due to special mention is the Candela Jingle Bell. This effect cymbal is made from B8 bronze for a cutting, clean sound.

The extra-large bell shape responds with a low pitched and loud ringing effect that activates six pairs of stainless-steel jingles for a layer of sizzle. Play patterns on the top or crash toward the side of this cymbal for a funky, unexpected sound effect.