MEINL warrants all MEINL Percussion, MEINL Hardware from defects in material or workmanship. If the product shows any sign of material or workmanship defect, we will replace it at no charge for a period of two (2) years commencing on the date of original retail purchase through an Authorized MEINL Percussion Dealer. MEINL will not guarantee any product that has been lost or damaged by accident, neglect or misuse; including any product that has been altered or been repaired by a non-authorized dealer or individual. This warranty only applies to the original purchaser. Any replaced product will remain under warranty only during the remaining warranty period of the original product purchase. Products mailed or shipped to any of our warehouses without prior consent or a Return Authorization Number will be refused. No warranty is offered for heads, shoulder straps, zippers, tuning ropes, cowbell beaters, wood blocks and rattan shakers.