Foot Percussion FX5 Effects Pedal - FX5
- Touch-sensitive pedal
- Controller for volume, sound selection, touch response
- USB-C cable included

Foot Percussion
FX5 Effects Pedal - FX5
Here we go with the brand new products from Meinl Percussion! Get an overview of them and read through all the interesting details.
Foot Percussion
This hands-free percussion digital effect pedal is pre-programmed with five sounds: Pop, Doom, SDS, 808 Sub & Soft
Kick. To play, just connect with a quarter-inch cable to an amplifier or PA system, then power-on. Sensitivity and
volume dials let you control dynamics and sound levels. The strong steel pedal plate with weighted body provide
a smooth, stable feel. Powered by a rechargeable lithium ion battery (battery included). Also comes with a USB-C
charging cable. Great for multi-instrumentalists.
- 5 pre-programmed sounds: Pop, Doom,
- SDS, 808 Sub & Soft Kick
- Hands-free beats
- Rechargeable battery and USB-C included
- Connection: 6,3 mm jack
- Touch-sensitive pedal
- Controller for volume, sound selection, touch response
- USB-C cable included
- ABS Plastic
- Steel
- Black